New Year, New Resolutions?

abstract art blur bokeh
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The last couple of years I’ve made New Years Resolutions. I feel like I’ve done a decent job of keeping most of them. However, that’s not the case for them all. What I like about resolutions is that it pushes boundaries, it helps you learn about yourself, and I’m an advocate for self-exploration and learning.

Sometimes, what you learn is that you’re not cut out for everything, and that’s okay. One goal I’m giving up is the idea of running a 5k. Running is not the thing for me. I keep getting hurt, and I…I hate it. Like really hate it. I don’t see the point in being miserable just to accomplish an arbitrary goal.

Just because I’m giving up on the 5k doesn’t mean there aren’t physical milestones to reach. I just don’t know what they are yet. Maybe it will be riding a bicycle again or actual yoga classes instead of self-instruction, I don’t know yet. My plan is to do a bit of exploring this year and find out what I enjoy.

My other goal is to re-evaluate and create the next steps in my plan. I mentioned in my post Breathe, that I’ve been so diligently pursuing the early steps of my plan that I never figured out what happens now that I’ve accomplished those things. I also want to take more time for me, writing, drawing, reading, spending time with family and friends, getting out into the outdoors…so much of these were things I had to give up to get another degree while I worked full time and then to get my house ready and sell it.

Part of me feels a little lost now that I don’t have a life filled with deadlines and timetables, but…that’s okay. I’m hoping that my life is what’s waiting for me in that space that feels lost. It’s only been two months since I sold my house, but I’m already beginning to feel rejuvenated and renewed. The itch to create is back with a vengeance, and, wow, it feels good.

So…the 2019 list.

  1. Breathe – Take time for me. I’m instituting Pamper Me Sundays filled with bubble baths, pedicures, face masks, and hopefully professional massages.
  2. Think – Life gets so hectic and so filled with television, music, and social media that we forget to take the time to just think. I need to leave more time to think, because the best ideas and plans spring from that time. Saturday mornings spent in the quiet with a cup of tea and maybe a journal will do nicely. Hopefully, once I get in the habit of giving myself time, I won’t need to schedule it anymore.
  3. Get Outside – Walk the dog, go camping, see if it’s true that you never forget how to ride a bike.
  4. Make More Art – Finish at least one story I have outlines for, paint, take photos, draw…whatever…just make more art. Scratch the creative itch.
  5. Read – Read books, comic books, short stories, articles…whatever.
  6. Grow stuff – I have houseplants that have survived the last four months, which is a record for me. Maybe add to that. Kitchen herbs, an outdoor garden in the spring…stuff like that. I like being surrounded by green growing things. Maybe I can  convert my black thumb to a green one…with some help.
  7. Take a class – Art, yoga whatever. Just take a class.
  8. Learn a new coding language – I don’t know which one yet, but I’d like to be able to write the server side code for websites as well as the front end code. This one is a big fat maybe, but I’ve been thinking about it a lot lately. (Suggestions are welcome!)
  9. Make time for what’s important – My family, my friends, the things I love.
  10. Be Spontaneous – Say “yes” more often. Yes to day trips, road trips, outings with friends and family…just say “yes” instead of “no” or “let me see what’s on my schedule”.

As someone who’s done training on goal setting…my list doesn’t begin to meet the requirements. It’s kind of vague and lacks time frames for things, but that’s part of what I  want to learn this year. How to live without a rigid structure, because that was what got me through the last few years. Spontaneity is a good thing, and I could use a bit more of that in my life. So next time a friend asks me to take a day trip, I don’t say “no” because it doesn’t fit in my schedule for the day.

Do you make New Year’s Resolutions? Do you manage to stick to them? How do you do it?

‘Til next time,


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